My Chipotle Story.
A Denver-kid's dream.

As a kid, I got to go see a few Denver Nuggets games. This was during the good ol' Mutombo-days. At the games, there was a burrito-blimp that flew around dropping burrito bucks. I'd chase that blimp around more than I'd chase Rocky the Super-Mascot. Don't think I ever caught anything, but damned if the site of that shiny blimp didn't make me jump out of my seat.

Because, around that same time my Mom worked at the DU Bookstore (just down the street from the original Chipotle). Needless to say, I knew the value of those packages fluttering down on people... pure burrito bliss.

Fast-foward to 2017.

Chipotle's once industry-leading mobile app was ready for an upgrade. Customer awareness and app store ratings were at an all-time low. So we put in the work to build a better digital experience.

When we strive to empathize it makes us better. So we asked "How do we better serve the mobile customer?" and looked for ways to meet a customer where they're at.

Conceptual Drawings and research findings

Early Menu Concepts

So we took time to listen and learn from stakeholders, crew members, and most importantly customers. We surveyed, got in kitchens, sat with stakeholders, and tested our early hypotheses. And by keeping these convos' going throughout our process, it allowed us to design and build with confidence because we were building a user centered experience that was aware of its limits and goals.

a gathering of stickies on a wall

Sorting 2017 learnings into The 5Es.

Food first.

To honor the brand and never get in between a customer and a burrito. We had to think food first. This principled direction helped find simple changes to drop friction from the experience. Things like picking a location should take a back seat of why you thought of Chipotle is the first place, the food. Let's stay hungry, build the perfect meal, and then get it delivered or picked up. You know, food first. It's not coincidence that ecommerce has followed this pattern... we (typically) don't decide shipping speed and then shop.

What we also learned is that customers order the same meal quite often. Based this this reorder was one of the main goals and took center-stage in the customer experience. Again, not the hows. The food, your food, and ready in 15-20 mins.

Our initial high-level customer journey

Aspirational Journey 2017.

Lo-Fi = Speed.

We wanted the app to allow for food to be the star, but not at the expense of utility or ease of use. So we worked light to get an initial prototype out with users and stakeholders to see if things felt right. When we adhere to Principles like food-first, doors open to simple charters of design. In Chipotle's case the result became the app is the menu, the menu is the app. The digital equivalent to opening the door at a restaurant, walking in and immediately seeing the food and menu. Or, as a regular, seeing friendly face on the line that already has your order remembered and just needs you to say the word...

If you use the app today... Which you should. You may notice that our 2017 vision is still at the core of today's app experience.

low fidelity prototype for chipotle app

Initial prototype from 2017.

What we rolled up.

After MVP launch in 2017 the team was tasked with tackling delivery, Chipotle Rewards,, and much more. Throughout, we never lost site of our principles and users. Chipotle's digital acceleration confirmed we listened and heard our customers. Which added more use and opportunity for continued improvement.

My rolls...

2017 UX Lead

From the ground up rebuild of Chipotle's mobile app. Adding Native Payments, quick reorder, and simple customizations.

2018 Creative & UX Lead

Built upon the app's MVP release and helped launch a redesigned Added Delivery as an option to Chipotle's digital ordering experiences.

2019 Creative Director

Oversaw design team and supported the launch of Chipotle Rewards and

2020 Creative Director

Lead team in redesigning the mobile app with the NEW Rewards Store and Foodprint for launch in 2021. Helped improve the crew's experience on the Digital Make Line.

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