When we advocate for our users and seek to understand their needs, it makes us and our products better. When we understand the brand our voice gets clearer. Better and clearer welcomes use. With use comes feedback, opportunity, and a responsibility to improve. That responsibility extends to knowing every person and facet touched by the work. Cash all this in and you’re earning trust. That’s a great place to be.
It’s why I love being part of and building teams that put in the work to be better, clearer, and responsible. Because it leads us to what’s best.
I've worked across web, mobile, TV, desktop apps, and even Chat. From cloud-storage to e-commerce and across industries such as healthcare, casual dinging, real estate, recreation, and e-learning. I've been lucky to have worked with and lead a wide range of teams.
I’m a constant builder of things. Little libraries, furniture, bee hives, even lightsabers. I'm a runner, gamer, and dad.
I live, work, and play in Denver.